Hey there again...
The weather has (both literally and figuratively-my mood) changed to sunny... It's autumn and it will be 90 again tomorrow. Wow... that's different, but alright with me. I can't get the photos to upload this week... my camera is less than happy for some reason. I'll get it checked out soon... but first a rundown of what you would have seen:
-Ellie playing dice (with the ones grams sent) and getting a huge roll
-A storefront in Geelong called "Middy's"
-The rad-tastic Geelong Botanical Gardens
-The Great Ocean Road
-a nice lighthouse
-and lots of beaches....
sorry that y'all missed those pics... I'll see what I can do about that.
This weekend I went to Geelong. Earlier I declared I would search the continent in pursuit of Ecovillages, interesting churches, and big trees... This time I went for churches and some fresh air to get out of Albury. Patrick lives near Geelong so we drove down be-bopping along to cheesy ABBA music a good portion of the way. I met his family and we went all over the place chasing down his friends and interesting places. It's always interesting to meet people's family. It's quite an intimate look into their history (regardless of your relationship with the person, it changes your perspective of them to some extent). I was amused by Patrick's dad's "chopper" mustache... we all had a good laugh about that one.
Sunday Patrick and I got an early start to head into Melbourne for the Unitarian Universalist service... only to drive around hopelessly in the rain for an hour. When we got to the church everyone was milling over the last few grapes and brownies from lunch and saying their "farewell until next week"s to one another. I was crushed... I had traveled 5 hours from Albury for that little bit of comfort... and I missed it. Feeling disapointed, but ambitious still I had a chat to the first person I made eye contact with and found out there was a discussion group meeting in 15 minutes. Not so bad afterall... so I joined them in eating the last of the fruit (however un-polite it may be to eat the last of things, it's only practical). So we joined the group for a chat about philosophy and morals. I didn't feel spiritually inspired, but I was amused by the company we were with... one man with long hair in a leather jacket and beret, standing at a chalk board animated about objectivity, subjectivity, and inter-subjectivity... a small, quiet mouse-like elderly man who kept asking "What question are we on now?" and laughing when it annoyed the facilitator... a large semi-greasy man who could quote philosopher's writing like scripture... a woman in a navy sweatsuit who snapped at people rather unpredictably... a retired couple from the states who spends half their time in Oz visiting their daughter.... needless to say it was entertaining....
Then we visited the Scientology center (this is Patrick's religion). I don't get a good vibe from the place... we watched an informational video and I (of course) fell asleep. I skimmed books with things that seemed like common sense in them... and I still don't think the religion has been explained to me yet... it reminds me of what we tell people when we ask what SENS directors do (we laugh, and rattle off a list of random things always followed up by "and anything else we want or need to do")... not sure about this Scientology business. Don't feel it's for me.
So, next weekend I'm on my way to Melbourne again, this time with Colleen. I'm excited about gong to a Quaker service there :)
Did a presentation in Neil's class (Outdoor Rec. Planning)... He pretty much told the whole class we were terrible... with his eyes! No really, he did tell us we all did a bad job with our presentations and then he gave a good rippin' about finishing too early, not asking each other questions, not knowing how to present or what marketing was... oh well... you win some you lose some. I'm just glad that's one more assignment out of the way. I've got another one for his class due Friday, but I have the paper that's due on Monday done, so that makes me happy.
I enjoyed rec class today... we're each taking turns leading activities... today we learned how to make non-alcoholic rum balls (yum!), make paper airplanes, and play "Smoke over water" on guitar. I appreciate the variety that class brings into my schedule.
Oh yeah... I'm starting to get this incredible sense of urgency as the semester wraps up and these assignments come tumbling down on me, as well as the urge to runaway to some crazy place every weekend and the desire to plan the perfect Ecovillage tour in southern Queensland over the exam break.... I haven't been able to sleep much at all (this is nothing new to me). On the upside I've been enjoying
The Botany of Desire... and today I just got
The Power of Now, Sven's mama sent it up for me to read. I feel like I could very happily stop sleeping all together and stay up all night reading. Something tells me this isn't the best idea, but it doesn't change the urge.
Today I caught the most amazing glimpse of sun... I just felt warmed by it, fully warmed... and inspired... and present... was wonderful.
Things I'm thankful for today:
-blogs that accept long ranting journal entries at 2 am when I can't sleep
-Apple cider vinegar, as it's good for what ails ya
-Res. choir, we're learning a Sweet honey in the rock song
-Easter cookies from mama
-a good run
-my sleeping bag (we're getting to be really good friends)
-my little moleskin journal from mama
-enough food to eat
-the weird state of not being able to sleep and the interesting activities it leads one to (like reading heaps, when you wouldn't think you had time during the day to do that)
-Iron and Wine music