
This is about my journeys that take me to wherever I am... physically, emotionally, spiritually... just where I am... on this crazy journey. Feel free to jump on and come for the ride, visitors most welcome.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Ecovillage tour!

Hey everyone,
Hope your day is going well :) I meant to get to bed early tonight then I started planning my Ecovillage tour again... and time just got away from me. Ah well, it happens. So the tour will consist of:
-An Ecovillage near Lismore (The Village), where I will stay in the Sundara Retreat Cabins for 4 days
-An Ecovillage near Coff's Harbor (Homeland Ecovillage), where I will work and stay for 3 days
-An Ecovillage in Bundaberg (Kookaburra Ecovillage), where I will work and stay for 4 days
-one day to run amuck in Bundaberg, and if luck will have it, take a glass bottom boat tour of the reef

and there you have it... it may not seem like much, but it's been a long time planning it. I'm excited to see it come together... it is coming along much more nicely than my assignments... but hey, they'll get done in time, I'm sure.

Thankful list:
-Ryan's apple pie with custard!
-playing dice with the "family" (my housemates)
-apple cider vinegar (good for what ails ya)
-the library here that lets me check out 20 books and request books from all over Oz.
-a little card with Chase's picture!
-kids!!!! (I can't wait to see them again, Ellie is having her sister bring up her neice this weekend)
-Over the Rhine music
-warm sunshine
-the smell of sycamore leaves in the fall (which it is)
-sleep (I'll get a good amount of it one of these days)
-mama and her little blog comments
-friends who take me into town when I need to go
-turning in a 15 pg. assignment (that means there are only 3 left!)
-happy endings

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Alright... here's a little overview for all the kids at home:
This weekend I went to East Gippsland in search of rainforests and coast line... I found both. It was gggggreat :) Quite relaxing, as Sven and I went TV free (it's nice to be away from campus) and I enjoyed ocean air... which is so much nicer! Because we are such dags (dorks) we would make day trips to parks and then in the evening read books and work on homework... it was a bit of a retreat. So now I'm back at Albury... it was sad to come back over the mountains and see all the smoke in Albury... I'm looking forward to being away from Albury for the fact that I'll be able to breathe again... The next weekend will be my last in Albury... I've got a goodbye lunch and dinner lined up... time has flown...

speaking of flyin'... my plane tickets have been changed and I might need to spend a night in San Fran-any Cali kids interested in joining me?

much love...
should hit the books


ps-thankful list:
-solar hot water showers
-clean water to drink
-asthma med.
-Pod-who drove me home from the gym so I wouldn't have to walk alone in the dark
-dried fruit
-museli bars
-vegemite (I said it!)
-tiny journals nearly full
-small assignments that need not stress me out
-breaks from Albury
-green! Something you don't see around here (it's just too dry)
-comments on my blog (yes, DMZ it was a small, small waterfall... and a short thankful list the other day, love you =D HBFD)
-coming home to a full house (with a recovered Boozy Suzi)

I'm not sure how well you can see this picture, but it's me on a flying fox (only the greatest thing on a kid's playground even invented!) I had to wait for a lot of kids to go before I got a turn, but it was worth it :)
Goodnight... through the gum trees.
The long, long, long slide that I saw from the road and said "Sven, please turn the car around now... let's go to that playground"... good thing too... that's where we found the flying fox. I've got videos from this weekend if anyone wants to see them just e-mail me and I'll send you the little files... You can see what sort of rad ride this slide has to offer.

Mountain Ash trees along a highway (yes, you heard right, highway... but it's a dirt road you say, my point exactly.) How many highways have you seen that take you through moutains on a windy dirt road? Oh yeah, Mountain ash trees are the world's second tallest tree (2nd of course to those beloved redwoods).
An Aboriginal scar tree. Years ago, they've cut out that middle section of bark to make a canoe.

Lake's Entrance... this is a little town on the coast of a 90-mile beach... yes, a 90 mile beach... nice eh?

Yes... the ocean again... ah... 'tis good for the soul, I'm pretty sure. Spent most of Saturday at the coast.
A tid bit of temperate rainforest... also inspiring.
This pic. is for the paiger... and everyone else back home... just to let you know I'm thinkin' of ya and love you much...

The fences leading up the shearers quarters that we stayed in this weekend... nice little place.
Den of Nargun. Aboriginies believed this place to be half rock half spirit. It was an erie atmosphere... when we were looking at the den we heard a rockslide behind us. When we were hiking down the rocky trail to the den I felt a little bit tribal and a lot inspired.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Stress...eek... but wait... there's a surprise ending

I can feel that I am getting closer to the end of my time in Australia... there are times I lie awake in bed at night with anticipation of what my last year at Berea will bring... what SENS will be like, what it will be like to be in that beloved Ecovillage again... and I think of what it will be like to be reunited with my family and friends (in the Ohio area as least)... and I'm excited.. everyone lately has been asking me if I'm homesick and it's planted the thought I do believe. The farmers in this area continue to burn off their fields and the parks are still doing prescribed burns... so I'm still fighting the inevitable asthma all the time... Because the smoke is everywhere I can't really avoid it at all. .... today as I was having a coughing fit in class I hear someone behind me whisper to the person beside him that he is "so annoyed by that coughing, he can't even concentrate at all with it"... I'm tempted to turn around interrupt class and say something angry like "Hey... I don't know if you've noticed but it's smoky outside.... and I've had asthma for years... Do you realize how ridiculous it is for you to be angry about my coughing fits? How do you think I feel when I can't sleep because I'm up coughing all night? How do you think I feel that I haven't been able to breath properly since I've been in this country? So I'm even not sorry if I've interrupted your class today!" I've been feeling short fused and frustrated a good bit lately. I think it's just that old (searching for a term here... friend won't work, because I don't like it; acquaintance won't work, because I know it too well...)anyway... I think perhaps it is stress. I'm feeling a bit sick and run down and tired of assignments as well as living in this house with people who do not know me well. argg.... Need to take some time out for me (and somehow get everything done in time). I've been writing at least two papers a week for a while now... and it does tend to wear on one after a while....

things I'm thankful for today:
-that today will end and I'll get a new chance at everything tomorrow
-Tim Tams
-orange juice
-soft hankies
-warm tea

wait... this just in... a knock on my bedroom door followed by the entrance of my housemate Sarah revealed to her my bloodshot eyes and face of frustration with the day.... and she leaves quickly only to return even faster with Rissa and Ellie bearing chocolates and teddy bears for me to eat and borrow (the cutest part is the chocolate Rissa brought me had teeth marks, she only had one piece in her fridge left, and she had eaten half, but still wanted to give me something)... I know it's cheesy... and I know that these girls don't know me that well... but I'm thankful for their hugs today... I'm also thankful for frustration that flares as a warning sign that I need to take time for me... I appreciate life's little indicators that keep you going in the right direction...

oh yeah... and I changed one of my goals for the week... I won't attempt to finish the assignment due on Monday before I leave on Thursday... I'll just take it with me, Sven will understand, I'm sure. Heck, he's probably got assignments to work on as well.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Dandenong State Forest... pretty eh?
L-R: Lynette, me, Colleen, Janet, and Christy... Don't you think Colleen and her sisters look like T-baby with their dimples?
Albury sunset
the "waterfall" we chased TLC style.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Kids... woot!

Hurray for kids! This weekend was a hoot... spent most of my time with Colleen and two of her sisters... that felt really familiar and comfy... enjoyed it! I miss all my seesters... going home with people helps me put my Aus experience into perspective and really learn more about the "real Aussie culture" (which Janet said was an oxymoron- 'Australian culture', this is a perfect example of how they don't take themselves too seriously)... I was very excited to wake up with two little boys in the fold out couch between Colleen and I... at 7am, they were jumping on us and sneaking under the sheets to tickle everyone's feet.... Liam is a 6 year old, slightly autistic, brilliant boy. His excitement for learning reminded me of my little Lu-puppy back in the EV. He looks as though he could be the young version of Taiton (sp?... a refence for the Cali kids). Darcy is a chubby four year old, with the world's most adorable cheeks... perfect for the ever-annoying pinching. Darcy's got lost teeth all over the place and it was precious. Both of them were excited to be tickled and super-manned. I was absolutely in heaven when Darcy dragged book after book over to me to read to him. I was surprised when their mother told them to turn on the TV and be quiet... but everyone knows how I feel about the ol' grey box. It was sooooo good to have little people to play with :) I was so happy... Colleen was like "you can come and talk to the rest of the adults, you don't have to watch the kids all day" and I replied that I was more than content to play with the boys.... So I spent my Saturday morning with Darcy and Liam... time complete with half-deck card games with rules that evolve along the way so Darcy keeps winning no matter what, tricking Liam into cleaning his room as fast as he could, trying to answer some of Liam's questions about the natural world which he is fascinated with, playing table tennis and just chasing the balls all over the house, random outbreaks of tickling, zerberts, laughing, hiding and seeking, and heaps of things I'm sure I've forgotten by now...Then later Saturday afternoon we went to the Dandenong State Park and spent a good bit of time chasing a waterfall (TLC style, I know)... we couldn't find it, but we had the funniest car trip that made me miss those sisters back home (did I mention the boys made me miss my Ava and my EV buddies?). We stopped for lunch at the quaint "Mrs. Marple's Tea House"... the food was wonderful and the desserts, amazing. They were absolutley huge so we got a few and passed the around the table to share. Then Saturday evening I had a chat to Damien's dad about America... it's always surprising how much American history the rest of the world knows. So now it's Sunday morning and I'm heading out to a sunny grassy spot to work on homework and read some good books (hey wait... that's two birds with one stone)... might go for a drive somewhere today... it'd be a nice one for a picnic... I'll put my pictures on later (when I'm not missing sunny weather to do so)

much love,

ps-the thankful list:
-friends :)
-BFDs ;)
-eucalyptus oil
-e-mails from sweet people back home
-Colleen's family

Friday, May 19, 2006


Hey y'all ....
Headin' off to Melbourne... am psyched because I just turned in my 4th assignment for Neil... Only one more in that class... woot! Am lookin' forward to hanging out with Colleen's neices and nephews tonight, cha ching! Need to run we're headin' out soon...
Much love (as always)

the thankful list:
-dried fruit
-inspirational music
-the relief of turning in big assignments
-adventures every weekend...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

HAPPY BEST FRIENDS' DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know I'm supposed to be asleep at this point.... but I can't help but beam from my heart of hearts... THE DMZ (B) is BACK (in my life)! Woot!!! No longer will I have this silly un-needed whole in my history and development from here on out.... The chasm has been crossed by two brave ladies (if I may say so)... How wonderful is life... honestly... my whole heart has grown over this one... it's funny that on the farthest adventure I've ever had from home, I learn the lesson that the biggest adventure is dealing with the things closest to your heart... how crazy is that? Some lyrics to say it better:
"I'm not who I thought it was 24 hours ago... still I'm singing spirit take me up in arms with you... there's 24 reasons to admit that I'm wrong...... "

... maybe it's actually the mood the song puts me in that fits me right now....

"I've got my hands at redemptions side... those scars are bigger than these doubts of mine... I'll put all of these monstrocities aside, then I'll come alive..."

maybe that's more fitting... anyway... just couldn't hit the sack without broadcasting to the world that Dawn Ziegler and I are back together... and nothing can stop us now!!!!


Thankful for:
-that movie that told me to do things that scare me
-Dawn's bravery in chatting to me about our crazy, silly, past... and where we want to be
-best friends!

Yours truly with the ol' wand-o-fire... 'twas pretty scary... I was nervous that I'd catch my hair on fire... this (above) isn't my best move, I invented something we affectionately call "the gnome dance"... it's not something you could catch on film.

Fall is upon us! I love those golden ginkgo leaves... they really look a bit silly in the Aus. environment... but in all honesty, they don't belong in the American anymore than they belong here.

Dan and the poi.
Good evenin' from the Botanical Garden. I was working on homework when this photo op. jumped me.

Sven twirlin'

Don't have much to say today... Erin McKeowen's song "Born to hum" comes to mind... "Once in the spring of my 24th year, I had nothin' to say. With a danglin' promise, a terrible past, I threw all the words away. We, we were born to hummmm" (I'm not implying that I identify with the dangling promise or a terrible past... just that I've got nothin' to say).

Things I'm thankful for today:

-A woman with long white wavy hair who smiled at me in the morning

-individually packaged tim tams (it's not as bad as it sounds)

-Eucalyptus oil

-Apple Cider Vinegar

-Black current apple tea

-Family dice tournaments every night

-Shared food

-Ellie talking about love (even though she claims it does not exist

-Preserved land

-the comics we hung on our bathroom door

-the feeling when I woke up that told me today was a day for yellow whale earrings... yes, that means some serious self expression.

ps-no joke, I'd love to hear the things you're thankful for... what a collection it could become. (and you don't have to register with blogger to leave a comment... so go for it)




Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Hey just thought of something... if you're reading this (and you can't pretend like you're not now... you have been caught in the act at this point)... why don't you write a comment and share one thing you're thankful for today and one thing that made you smile (share as much as you like, really, it's up to you)...

Hey y'all...
I don't have a lot to say today (I sorta said it all last night)... just wanted to share a quote I found inspiring today:

"Without imperfection's 'gap between intentions and results,' there would be no story"
-The Spirituality of Imperfection

...indeed, if nothing else, I am writing one heck of a crazy story... Sometimes I forget how much stories mean to me... and how unpredictable the best ones always are.

Today's lesson from A Course in Miracles is:
I am upset because I see a meaningless world

It doesn't make much sense on it's own...I might not share anymore of that book... because it just sounds silly broken up in little stand alone quotes like that...

The thankful list:
-laying in the grass reading a book
-pretend kick boxing in slow motion with housemates
-Parklands office
-free post cards
-Berea, and the experiences I have been lead to through that place
-the idea of sharing a room with KT mag next year
-playing dice and inventing lucky strategies as one sees fit
-dirt roads for runnin'
-feeling healthy (minus the allergies)
-books (I got another one delivered to me at the library, woot!)
-contrast-the ultimate teacher
-going to bed early
-the ability to disconnect from worries
-Switchfoot's music
-composting toilets
-recalling the time when Pat Adams had us watch the music video of the song that goes "If I could reach, higher, just for one moment touch the sky"... and finding it inspirational on my run

Monday, May 15, 2006

Hey there again...
The weather has (both literally and figuratively-my mood) changed to sunny... It's autumn and it will be 90 again tomorrow. Wow... that's different, but alright with me. I can't get the photos to upload this week... my camera is less than happy for some reason. I'll get it checked out soon... but first a rundown of what you would have seen:
-Ellie playing dice (with the ones grams sent) and getting a huge roll
-A storefront in Geelong called "Middy's"
-The rad-tastic Geelong Botanical Gardens
-The Great Ocean Road
-a nice lighthouse
-and lots of beaches....

sorry that y'all missed those pics... I'll see what I can do about that.

This weekend I went to Geelong. Earlier I declared I would search the continent in pursuit of Ecovillages, interesting churches, and big trees... This time I went for churches and some fresh air to get out of Albury. Patrick lives near Geelong so we drove down be-bopping along to cheesy ABBA music a good portion of the way. I met his family and we went all over the place chasing down his friends and interesting places. It's always interesting to meet people's family. It's quite an intimate look into their history (regardless of your relationship with the person, it changes your perspective of them to some extent). I was amused by Patrick's dad's "chopper" mustache... we all had a good laugh about that one.

Sunday Patrick and I got an early start to head into Melbourne for the Unitarian Universalist service... only to drive around hopelessly in the rain for an hour. When we got to the church everyone was milling over the last few grapes and brownies from lunch and saying their "farewell until next week"s to one another. I was crushed... I had traveled 5 hours from Albury for that little bit of comfort... and I missed it. Feeling disapointed, but ambitious still I had a chat to the first person I made eye contact with and found out there was a discussion group meeting in 15 minutes. Not so bad afterall... so I joined them in eating the last of the fruit (however un-polite it may be to eat the last of things, it's only practical). So we joined the group for a chat about philosophy and morals. I didn't feel spiritually inspired, but I was amused by the company we were with... one man with long hair in a leather jacket and beret, standing at a chalk board animated about objectivity, subjectivity, and inter-subjectivity... a small, quiet mouse-like elderly man who kept asking "What question are we on now?" and laughing when it annoyed the facilitator... a large semi-greasy man who could quote philosopher's writing like scripture... a woman in a navy sweatsuit who snapped at people rather unpredictably... a retired couple from the states who spends half their time in Oz visiting their daughter.... needless to say it was entertaining....

Then we visited the Scientology center (this is Patrick's religion). I don't get a good vibe from the place... we watched an informational video and I (of course) fell asleep. I skimmed books with things that seemed like common sense in them... and I still don't think the religion has been explained to me yet... it reminds me of what we tell people when we ask what SENS directors do (we laugh, and rattle off a list of random things always followed up by "and anything else we want or need to do")... not sure about this Scientology business. Don't feel it's for me.

So, next weekend I'm on my way to Melbourne again, this time with Colleen. I'm excited about gong to a Quaker service there :)

Did a presentation in Neil's class (Outdoor Rec. Planning)... He pretty much told the whole class we were terrible... with his eyes! No really, he did tell us we all did a bad job with our presentations and then he gave a good rippin' about finishing too early, not asking each other questions, not knowing how to present or what marketing was... oh well... you win some you lose some. I'm just glad that's one more assignment out of the way. I've got another one for his class due Friday, but I have the paper that's due on Monday done, so that makes me happy.

I enjoyed rec class today... we're each taking turns leading activities... today we learned how to make non-alcoholic rum balls (yum!), make paper airplanes, and play "Smoke over water" on guitar. I appreciate the variety that class brings into my schedule.

Oh yeah... I'm starting to get this incredible sense of urgency as the semester wraps up and these assignments come tumbling down on me, as well as the urge to runaway to some crazy place every weekend and the desire to plan the perfect Ecovillage tour in southern Queensland over the exam break.... I haven't been able to sleep much at all (this is nothing new to me). On the upside I've been enjoying The Botany of Desire... and today I just got The Power of Now, Sven's mama sent it up for me to read. I feel like I could very happily stop sleeping all together and stay up all night reading. Something tells me this isn't the best idea, but it doesn't change the urge.

Today I caught the most amazing glimpse of sun... I just felt warmed by it, fully warmed... and inspired... and present... was wonderful.

Things I'm thankful for today:
-blogs that accept long ranting journal entries at 2 am when I can't sleep
-Apple cider vinegar, as it's good for what ails ya
-Res. choir, we're learning a Sweet honey in the rock song
-Easter cookies from mama
-a good run
-my sleeping bag (we're getting to be really good friends)
-my little moleskin journal from mama
-enough food to eat
-the weird state of not being able to sleep and the interesting activities it leads one to (like reading heaps, when you wouldn't think you had time during the day to do that)
-Iron and Wine music

Thursday, May 11, 2006

today's weather... partly cloudy

Today was good and bad (or maybe neither... probably neither... and who am I to judge anyway?)...

The good/thankful for things-

-Cookies from grams! I was woken up this morning by Suzy running down the hall and into my room screaming "Your bikkies are here!!!"... but I reckon that's the best breakfast in bed, cookies from the other side of the world. We were all delighted to eat white chocolate chip, milk chocolate chip, and butterscotch chocolate chip cookies... we've starting putting together some amusing things for gram as well.
-a letter from Megan Bihn... with a fun invitation for letters pleading for the safe release of everyone's favorite mascot, Boblet
-also receiving dice from Grams... I played dice tonight with my housemates Ryan and Ellie... I lost big time, but it was a hoot and I was excited to have something interactive to do with housemates... so that was good
-I had another lovely run today at dusk... I think that's the best time to run (I'm off the public roads by dark)... Today was good because I had that flying feeling that you get when you're having a good run you really needed and are a teansy bit in shape.
-the songs I've been diggin' lately by Switchfoot... Lyrics like
"Don't close your eyes, this is your life, are you who you wanna be? this is your life, are you where you wanna be?"
-The maintenance man who has returned from a long leave and now is back... he's a hoot to chat to and he rakes the horse poop off the trail between the dorms and classes
-(this one's from yesterday)-I played my first game of netball in an intramural game... the best part was when I would keep thinking I was playing basketball and break rules left and right. It was a hoot... we might've lost by a little bit though... it was 8 to 22.... but a goodtime, nonetheless.

the challenging parts of the day:

-I forgot to read A Course in Miracles... so I won't lie and share a quote with you...
-I think when you're away from home and there are changes there's a delay in your feelings. (Just like how you can transport yourself quickly to the other side of the world via plane but jet lag says to your body that you're not there yet, for a few days)... over the issue I mentioned in the last entry, I'm starting to feel a sharper confusion that comes in pangs... and I was planning to go to Melbourne this weekend which would keep me busy and my mind off of things that can be painful at times, but Colleen's sister is coming up from Melbourne to visit her (instead of Colleen and I going to visit her sister)... so now I'm in Albury this weekend... and tempted to just get a train ticket to somewhere with Alana and have an adventure to distract myself... so it's just heaps of confusion and emotion that is like misty rain in those inopportune times... like how you can go some place and get rained on, get inside (the rain stops) only to commence raining again when you're outside again... if that makes any sense to anyone other than me, let me know.

hope your hearts are well...

Smooth Darling Pea (isn't it cute)

The hot flow chart from my management plan.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

if today's post is on here twice it's because I tried once to e-mail a picture along with the message and don't think it worked...

Hey y'all...
Hope you are well. I'm back in classes again... which feels good because it's familiar, but a bit stressful too... I'm glad to have turned in two of the 9 assignments due in the next five weeks... that feels good. The pea reserve one is finished and out of my hands... that's such a nice feeling... now onto the next.

The Course in Miracles lesson of the day is:
You are never upset by what you think you are.

I've been planning my two week vacation after classes before the desert trip... I'm debating between going some place warm (Queensland), or to Tassie (to visit an Ecovillage and a national park), or to the Byron Bay area (to visit 3 Ecovillages... I've heard this area is like Northern Cali... very tempting!), or to the East Gippsland area (temperate rainforest)... and I think those are all the things I've come up with thus far. Might pop over to Melbourne this weekend and see the great ocean road on the way back... I know I should work on assignments, but....

My heart is a bit confused today... I did what the movie (it's called something cheesy like 'The classroom of life') said to do... try one thing that scares you each day... that's good advice, I reckon. Sometimes though, it leads to falling on your face... but hey, we can't all be upright all the time... (and if you've seen the movie, you know it's actually cool to fall on your face anyway). (Side note: I'm currently exploring the use of a blog as a secret communication tool with those who know what I'm refering to here... let's see how the blog works in this role).

I've attached a picture, let's see if it actually shows up... if it does, it's a photo of one of the most beautiful parts of my last assignment that I wanted to share with y'all.

Dang... it's getting late and I'm not tired... and of course not in the mood for homework... looks like I get to read more of 'The Botany of Desire'... cha ching! A quote you may enjoy from this book's intro:

"It makes just as much sense to think of agriculture as something the grasses did to people as a way to conquer trees"

The book (in case I haven't told you heaps of times already) is about history from the plant's perspective... and how plants are controling us as a part of our co-evolution with them. It talks about how human desires have driven artificial selection of plants.

Things I'm thankful for:
-the excitment of the entire campus as we wait for a small box of cookies from grams
-Catherine Allan, a prof who reminds me of Pat Adams
-turning in assignments
-elephant post cards
-cheese cake with strawberry stuff on top, best eaten right out of the freezer with a butter knife and your fingers
-fried eggplant with cous cous
-my warm sleeping bag that is the world's best place to eat brekky (breakfast)
-contrast in life-isn't that where all the learning takes place?
-Paul Simon's song Quiet on the "You're the One" album... perhaps it will relax me into a quiet sleep...

goodnight y'all.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

A Course in Miracles

Hello everyone :)
I hope all is well wherever you are. I'm excited today because a book I had requested from another library arrived... it's a little bit like getting a present or a package when that happens. I appreciate it. The book I requested was A Course in Miracles. In the introduction it says the book can be summarized by the following:
-Nothing real can be threatened.
-Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God.

In the coming weeks I hope to understand that message. I'm up for the challenge.

After my detox, I feel like a bit of a new person. I've been working out more and eating healthier... trying harder to be true to myself in this place. Realized this morning that living on residence here is a source of frustration much of the time for me. I am over hearing stories from everyone going to the pubs all the time... I am over people distracting me when I'd like to do homework... I am over people in front of the TV 24/7, never talking to or learning about the people they're sharing space with... I'm over 7 people cooking themselves dinner in one kitchen and not sharing food together... but this is good because, this pinnacle of annoyance is leading me to a place I'd rather be... so I'm having dinner tonight with Ellie, then visiting Colleen this evening (who also is interested in actually knowing people)... and it's good.... I'm feeling glad that I was motivated to move... but still trying to learn from frustrations and address the issues under them.

Yesterday was glorious! It was the final day of my detox and I was thrilled to receive a small piece of paper from the hands of someone wonderful halfway around the world. Mail is amazing (no joke, think about it)... as is the tenacity of relationships over space and time.

Things I'm thankful for today:
-being able to eat anything! (but still eating relatively healthy food)
-white grapes
-my crazy ladies in Ber town who make me smile
-my family
-health food stores
-inter library loans
-David Wilcox music
-the perfect moment at the gym-finishing my workout on the elliptical machine while the Australian Biggest Loser theme song came on the radio.
-being able to learn and experience things
-a postcard from a truck stop that found its way back to me somehow