
This is about my journeys that take me to wherever I am... physically, emotionally, spiritually... just where I am... on this crazy journey. Feel free to jump on and come for the ride, visitors most welcome.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

cross posted from my facebook... yes, I'm on facebook....?!

This is from when I went to Princeton for a conference the weekend before last. I'm amused at traveling in spring time, because it feels like I go back and forth in the season. This past weekend I went to Bowling Green and went forward in time (all of their irises were out!) ... but there wasn't much time to stop and write.
Oh Second Spring
with this trip I travel back in time to the prime of
daffodils, forsythia, spring beauty,
unbloomed violets, third trimester tree buds
heavy with anticipation.

my hands muddied by the pursuit of
a ramp, red leaved at the base

with this stream I am soothed,
what comes to mind are words not my own
"the bioremediation of the soul"
I am calmed by the stream's pace
not much faster than mine

I am filled with gratitude for the geese overhead
and delight in the waiting game of
spotted trout lilies, and spotting a few that have sprung.

I am in love with the muck of spring's birth
and contemplate a trip sometime in the future
where I could walk slowly
at the pace of springtime
north somewhere.

As predicted I feel the pull of obligation
back to this conference,
which has brought me to this place....
but not without acknowledging that it is
this woods that brought me --here--

For pete's sake! I want to know the steps of this dance
the details of the march these woods take
through the seasons
what to find when

I want to know and honor all of these small
green things.

I have not found my life's work,
but I am certain--
this learning is my life's joy.


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