
This is about my journeys that take me to wherever I am... physically, emotionally, spiritually... just where I am... on this crazy journey. Feel free to jump on and come for the ride, visitors most welcome.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

if today's post is on here twice it's because I tried once to e-mail a picture along with the message and don't think it worked...

Hey y'all...
Hope you are well. I'm back in classes again... which feels good because it's familiar, but a bit stressful too... I'm glad to have turned in two of the 9 assignments due in the next five weeks... that feels good. The pea reserve one is finished and out of my hands... that's such a nice feeling... now onto the next.

The Course in Miracles lesson of the day is:
You are never upset by what you think you are.

I've been planning my two week vacation after classes before the desert trip... I'm debating between going some place warm (Queensland), or to Tassie (to visit an Ecovillage and a national park), or to the Byron Bay area (to visit 3 Ecovillages... I've heard this area is like Northern Cali... very tempting!), or to the East Gippsland area (temperate rainforest)... and I think those are all the things I've come up with thus far. Might pop over to Melbourne this weekend and see the great ocean road on the way back... I know I should work on assignments, but....

My heart is a bit confused today... I did what the movie (it's called something cheesy like 'The classroom of life') said to do... try one thing that scares you each day... that's good advice, I reckon. Sometimes though, it leads to falling on your face... but hey, we can't all be upright all the time... (and if you've seen the movie, you know it's actually cool to fall on your face anyway). (Side note: I'm currently exploring the use of a blog as a secret communication tool with those who know what I'm refering to here... let's see how the blog works in this role).

I've attached a picture, let's see if it actually shows up... if it does, it's a photo of one of the most beautiful parts of my last assignment that I wanted to share with y'all.

Dang... it's getting late and I'm not tired... and of course not in the mood for homework... looks like I get to read more of 'The Botany of Desire'... cha ching! A quote you may enjoy from this book's intro:

"It makes just as much sense to think of agriculture as something the grasses did to people as a way to conquer trees"

The book (in case I haven't told you heaps of times already) is about history from the plant's perspective... and how plants are controling us as a part of our co-evolution with them. It talks about how human desires have driven artificial selection of plants.

Things I'm thankful for:
-the excitment of the entire campus as we wait for a small box of cookies from grams
-Catherine Allan, a prof who reminds me of Pat Adams
-turning in assignments
-elephant post cards
-cheese cake with strawberry stuff on top, best eaten right out of the freezer with a butter knife and your fingers
-fried eggplant with cous cous
-my warm sleeping bag that is the world's best place to eat brekky (breakfast)
-contrast in life-isn't that where all the learning takes place?
-Paul Simon's song Quiet on the "You're the One" album... perhaps it will relax me into a quiet sleep...

goodnight y'all.


At 1:24 PM, Blogger ecogyrl said...

we're so onto yer secret codes!!!
but where's the pic?

At 6:16 AM, Blogger Sven said...

no pic i'm afraid :(

could i know enough to get the code??

your risk.... did it pay off?


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