
This is about my journeys that take me to wherever I am... physically, emotionally, spiritually... just where I am... on this crazy journey. Feel free to jump on and come for the ride, visitors most welcome.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

It's been a while... but after a vacation to the west coast and a sinus surgery, my feet are back on the ground here in B-town

And all I have to say is Huzzuh!  My word, summer has once again found its way into my heart.  If you can't feel summer (let's say maybe you too work in an air conditioned office), then I prescribe (for your off-time) a very strict diet of the following:
-weekends out at Jessa and Nathan's farm picking blueberries and napping with a sweetheart on the outdoor music stage when you're too lazy to even set up a tent or hike into the woods
-firefly watching
-dancing in downpours
-porch music playing (or better yet, play music to the flowers when they open, you just might get a few gig offerings out of the deal...)
-watching evening primrose bloom at dusk (either silently to hear the birds or with musical accompaniment)
-Night hiking and dipping when you are willing to stay up a bit late
I am amazed
that out of that soil
that I sweetened with tears
turned so hard I nearly collapsed into it
that place that bore the brunt of old anger
now has red blossoms
I don't care if the whole harvest only
adds up to a handful
or less
because it's not about what you harvest
the point is that there is
and that is more beautiful
than bushels
that haven't been loved.
And too, I'm amused at the play on words.  Yes, why don't I return to this place I call home and do something called the "energy and empowerment project"... I am so grateful for this work.  It waxes and wanes and there are times my to-do list is so tall I lose perspective and feel more important than I ought.... but then the real times I'm in love (yep, I said it...) with supporting local work around energy issues.  It's just challenging enough to stay interesting and inspiring, yet not so exhausting that I can't also be present in my life outside of this office.  I'm appreciative of the deadlines that follow with a sense of accomplishment, I like tasks.  Also, I don't know if I say it enough that I am so fortunate to have kind co-workers.  These folks love their jobs and have created a community here that is one of the best working environments I've ever been a part of.  All of this to say that I have to laugh because this job is giving me energy and I'm growing much more empowered (in my personal life and my work)... which is typical of this thing people call "service", that we on the "giving" end are blessed as well.


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