
This is about my journeys that take me to wherever I am... physically, emotionally, spiritually... just where I am... on this crazy journey. Feel free to jump on and come for the ride, visitors most welcome.

Friday, September 22, 2006

not sure if folks still read this or not... but here are a few of my recent sources of joy

Hey there folks,
Today has been hilarious... It's been raining so hard that I was soaked even with a raincoat, so I just gave in and mud puddled (this is one of the recent sources of joy). Also, it's Friday! woot! And most importantly, a good friend convinced me to dance at convo last night (for some reason, this is a bit of a fiasco at Berea... you wouldn't think it would be a big deal to dance at a musical concert, but it is... only 5-10 people have the guts, out of 700-800) We danced to Mid-Eastern drumming and Hebrew lyrics, it was most refreshing... everything has been going by so quickly, but it has been joyful.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Goodmorning! Alix by the fire in the cave were we stayed. We were heatin' up water for some lovely oatmeal and morning tea. Alix reminds me of Rosie-O in Cali... perhaps they look a little alike and they were both un-schooled as well. Awesome women.
Speakin' of awesome women, here's one... this crazy megan found this beautiful leaf on the trail during our night hike with no lights... good eye meg. We thought it was a bit artistic.

well, well, well... so this is what it's like to be a Berea student again. I wondered how long it would take to catch up to me, or rather how long I would take to catch up to it (the pace of life here). My biggest weekend accomplishment has been catching up with old e-mails (work related at least, I know I'm still lagging on the friend replies) and cleaning my room. My heart can be much more at peace in a calm environment.

This weekend we threw a surprise prom for Alix because she never had one (being un-schooled and all). It was great! She was the queen. We ordered pizza and ate okra that has been given to us in large quantities.

I'm toying with different options for Short term and my heart is excited about possibilities... I'm wondering if I can justify the environmental costs of more travel, so soon after AUS. We shall see.

My housemates are truly amazing. Everyone is involved and we have so many stories already... it's going to be a great year. I heard Alix practicing violin and thought of my beloved kati mag and how she always filled the house with such sweet music... I can feel her here.

I've been reading up on the Peace Corps, they don't take people with severe asthma...I think that means me...hmmmm....

There is some community growth goin' on in the village here... when people need each other, they find themselves being helped to their feet by all of these anonymous hands... it is beautiful.

It's also beautiful that I'm all relaxed and going to bed now... goodnight, much love,

thankful list:
-Carrie's chocolate chip cookies
-clean water
-more than enough food
-a place to sleep
-Berea College
-my housemates
-soft hankies
-asthma medicines
-my Ecology textbook, which says such beautiful things as "In rivers the water you touch is the last of what has passed and the first of that which comes. So with time present."-Leonardo da Vinci.
-hot cups of breathing tea
-sleepy music
-comfort in life
-cultural diversity
-Stefani Whaley's positive energy
-organization (when it comes to scheduling my time, etc)
-cats (even if I'm allergic)
-advice from a tree
-the possibility of a new tomorrow

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Meet the new SENS house family... Eli is laying down in front. On the tree l-r is Megan Bihn, me, and Wes. On the other tree is our very own little Alix. It's a great bunch. They're game for singin' and night hikin' and they do their dishes...tis great!

Megan and Megan party... We dressed up extra special to go to the Video Dance party on campus... It was a riot, as dances always are. We found ourselves awkwardly slipping away from boys who like to dirty dance. I don't understand why dancing can't just be this crazy thing... why do people always have to get all up in your space?

The beloved Ecovillage... Just when we all think we're getting tired of community living, there's a tug on the string that ties us together; reminding us that we need each other. If nothing else, struggle unites.

Lucias' first day of school... I can't believe he's that old!