This is about my journeys that take me to wherever I am... physically, emotionally, spiritually... just where I am... on this crazy journey. Feel free to jump on and come for the ride, visitors most welcome.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Megan and Megan party... We dressed up extra special to go to the Video Dance party on campus... It was a riot, as dances always are. We found ourselves awkwardly slipping away from boys who like to dirty dance. I don't understand why dancing can't just be this crazy thing... why do people always have to get all up in your space?
Hey y'all :) There are three blogs here... so visit what you'd like to...
*The megwheresheis has my oz travels and recent Cali visit stuff... and I'm posting on it now that I'm back in Berea too... convienently, the title "meg where she is" lends itself to that flexibility...
*The Desert Trip 06 one is a group one made in Oz by all the kids on the desert trip (that posted pics...okay I haven't done that yet)...
*The Meg at CCAT one is my internship blog from last summer, if you're interested in sustainability in higher education-dig in... if not... well... it's up to you....
... so thanks for stoppin', hope you enjoy what you find... and more so, hope you enjoy life.
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