school work update...
All reluctancy to work on assignments has been replaced because now that I'm working on the assignments I'm reminded this is the stuff I love...
I'm so fortunate to be able to study what I'm passionate about... and who am I kidding Environmental Planning is cool...
I get to write a management plan for an area with Swainsona galegfolia (Smooth Darling Pea) in it... it's a threatend plant in Victoria, and the Parklands office doesn't have a current management plan for the area, so they might actually use mine if they like it... the plant has a beautiful tiny papilinacious flower (as most peas do)...
... so back to the books... just wanted to end on a nicer note than what I did yesterday.
ps-what I'm thankful for today so far:
-instrumental study music
-papilinacious flowers
-starting things
-granola and rice milk
-grandma j
-gram's cookies (which I'm trying to get her to send one to me)