
This is about my journeys that take me to wherever I am... physically, emotionally, spiritually... just where I am... on this crazy journey. Feel free to jump on and come for the ride, visitors most welcome.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Oh my!  My return to the bluegrass has turned out like this:
We came from the airport and went out to Jessa's mom's little farm house.  Then I remembered that there are amazing stars here, and I saw fireflies again too!  Then I went to Beth's house and we chatted before turning in early.  This mornin' I had a great sleep in and then went out on Owsley Fork Reservoir with Jessa and Nathan in their canoe.  Later we got a little summer storm and then returned to humidity... it sure feels good to be back!
grateful list:
-the res (with the tiny little mountain church)
-jessa and her mama bein' my welcome to KY committee
-knowing that I'll see my family really soon
-weather that is wild (more than just raining or sunny)
-summer (they have that around here)!
-looking forward to hearin' from the sulans what their moves have been like
-the vince, although I sure miss him

Saturday, August 09, 2008

in a big orange empty room..

Here goes nothin!  I'm about to leave for the airport... but first I must water the garden and mop the kitchen... so this is tiny... just a note to let y'all know I'm on my way-headin' back to KY!