Hey folks...
It's a delightful Saturday.... I found a working bike in our basement and hopped on it (and the sidewalks) down to Columbia City, not a long ride at all... but nice.
My heart is settling in here... Everyday at work it seems I am amazed at the core members. Yesterday Paul was quick to forgive Elisa after she ripped up one of his sorry cards. This was a big deal because for Paul's 46th birthday last week he received that new sorry game (his last one had worn out cards). If only I could be so unattached to my belongings. He also was very helpful at reminding me to give Elisa her cards while we played. He's been lighting up when I sign to him. I can't wait to learn more sign language so I can better communicate with Paul and Robin. I decided that I would focus on the good at work... it is easier to get caught up in the silly office disorganization than to concentrate on learning from the core members. So when the office writes my checks wrong, I get over it faster, so I can get back to making candles and hot chocolate. Charlotte was out of the workshop Friday afternoon so we took the core members to Volunteer Park and I played them music while we ate chocolate cupcakes. Elisa thought Sourwood Mountain was the funniest song she'd ever heard.
I am surprised at how much time a 40 hour work week and 10 hour weekly commute takes up. I might start biking to work for variety, exercise, and to get off that darn bus. The bus-ride is markedly more enjoyable now that I ride the anti-social way (some of the time anyway) with headphones on... I've started making bus-ride cartoons as well... let me know if you'd like a set... they are not really funny... but enjoyable to make on the long trek.
This weekend is full of fun plans- today might go down to Lake Washington after a few errands and go home to make jam. I'd also like to stop by the super goodwill just off Rainier. Sunday we're planning to rent kayaks and have a picnic. Monday we all work at Bumbershoot (a big music festival) and then we can stay and jam (to the Wu-Tang clan, and other folks) after our volunteer shifts are over around 6.... then back to work on Tuesday. Tuesdays are market days, so that's good too.
I am working on my list of goals for this year in LVC. One is to reflect on where I'd like to live next. At this moment I miss the bluegrass of KY and the family in Ohio... but am glad to be escaping the highest ragweed pollen counts on record as I enjoy easy breathing here in the west. I'm also curious about my beloved Arcata... as my friends graduate and prepare to leave that town. Once I finish the list, I'll post it... so y'all can keep me accountable too.
Yesterday I was playing banjo downtown and I met a fiddler who was kind enough to give me some busking tips. He gave me his spot on 5th Ave, in front of Tiffanie's, which is the best spot in town (I hear). He was dressed nicely and this gave me the idea that maybe I should wear something other than tie-dyed old ratty tee shirts and hiking shorts with candle wax on them when I play downtown...I was really glad to make a musical contact, as I'm seriously missing the Berea music community.
I'll try and put up some pictures soon :)
Grateful list:
-blackberries! To pick them you need some kind of peace to accept all the thorns... I do believe they are an extremely spiritual fruit for me
-basement bikes, in mostly working order
-core members: Bill, Elisa, Paul, Robin, Nancy, Christine, and Mike
-housemate hugs (to resume more fully once most folks get over their cold)
-children's books
-beaten up pictures of Alix
-e-mails from Irene ;)
-locating the parcel and post shop
-not working on Saturdays
-spending a total of $22.25 in August (with the exception of communal food and bus pass)
-sunshine (who says it always rains here?)