Winter is here! Just got back from a short run in 16 degree weather... I can see why Ohio's state bird is the cardinal. When the sky and snow are both grey with chill the bright red is a welcome life sign... Not many folks were out today (wonder why?), just me, the cardinals, and a few fellas fishing (through a hole in the ice of course). Also saw about 7 deer run across the street just outside of town (white tails of course). It's quite an Ohio-tastic sort of day :) Oh yeah, I made it home... forgot to mention it. When thinkin' about why folks should visit seein' my baby Ava and grams with her little pink lipstick and black permed hairstyle are at the top of the list. I'm excited I get to see Missy soon as well. I hung out with my little quakers today, Marie Cotton is adorable! The discussion after the meeting was about the differences between spirituality and religion. I would love to hear comments on the subject from any of y'all. Will be workin' on my Lutheran Volunteer Corps application today, wish me luck. Gotta go shower Dawny Z and Mr. T are coming over in a bit, hooray for that as well. I guess Ohio's not all bad after all.
thankful list:
-layers of clothes for winter running
-new shoes
-telling your mom "yo mama" jokes... mom says "you type fast", I say "your mom types fast" and she replies "Really? I thought grams hated her computer."
-my mom telling me "your mama jokes"... she said "I tried to put on your running shoes by accident, if you don't want your old ones throw them away" and then I said "your mom throws shoes away" then she said "your mom wears army boots" (which is apparently some joke from her time...)
-mama says I should appreciate winter so I can really look forward to spring... I'm working on that.
-clean laundry
-grams' candy dish already stocked with valentine's candy
-the mama honing device (my cell phone)
-my favorite tree in the whole world (my sugar maple which I call Salmanca)
-Rosie and Noelley
-Ava waking me up this morning... when it feels like 6 am, there's nothing like the cutest two year old on earth jumping on you (it was gggggreat!)
-Lucias' christmas "turd" pinecone hangin' from mama's rearview mirror