
This is about my journeys that take me to wherever I am... physically, emotionally, spiritually... just where I am... on this crazy journey. Feel free to jump on and come for the ride, visitors most welcome.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Hey there folks…
    Just an update I think the Teach For America interview went well.  My heart is really telling me that this is a good option for me to serve and learn so much…. The more I think about it the more I feel that this is a part of my path.  The fates (and admissions folks) will make the call… I'll pass along updates as I get them. 

   On another note, I have felt confused lately by apathy on Berea's campus.  Granted, we are busy folk, with our labor positions and full time classloads…. But still...For Hunger and Homelessness awareness week there's been a group of us holding informational signs wherever we go.  I was sitting on the steps of the library with a sign that read "what have you done today to change the world?" passing out fliers of the week's educational and service events, they also had a ton of info about global poverty and what can be done.  I sat there for hours asking "would you like to learn more about hunger and homelessness?" to everyone passing by.  I was really a little disgusted by some of the responses I got.  One girl told me "It has nothing to do with me, don't give me that paper" others were just too involved in their own daily grind to take a second to receive a handout.  They would tell me "I'm late for class" or "I'm hungry too"… granted people have ideas about people who hold signs and hand out papers, that's another issue….but really, how does this happen?  How is it possible for us to become so absorbed in our own lives that we are so callous?  How can we call this an educational experience (college) if we become so absorbed in our artificial world of turning in papers and attending lectures that we don't give a damn about the state of the world beyond our campus boundaries?  How can we become so trivial as to have better attendance for a basketball game than a hunger awareness dinner?  Am I the only one who sees a problem with this?  How can Berea claim to be focused on service yet permit (and facilitate) the trivial busy-ness of students?  If we are to lead the world (as college educated folks) and change things positively (as Berea so often tries to tell us to do) how can our schedules be so chock-a-block with baloney?  I think this is also a bit shaking to me because I had been in that grind myself for so long… only now, after taking semester after semester of course overload am I able to sit by with a manageable number of classes.  Well I'd love to continue, but I must go to a meeting (see any irony here?!).

Thanks for listening to my rant… and do me a favor visit and get involved.

Much love!

ps- thankful list
-time enough to work for things I believe in
-food enough to fill my belly
-extra energy enough to run
-an able enough body to get me through the day
-lungs that work
-water that is clean
-music that is moving
-friends that are activists too
-the opportunity to work had at things worthwhile


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