
This is about my journeys that take me to wherever I am... physically, emotionally, spiritually... just where I am... on this crazy journey. Feel free to jump on and come for the ride, visitors most welcome.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

"Are there any real men in here?" Dr. T always tells me to say that really loud when I enter a gas station. We stop every class to get ice cream or root beer. For four years he's tried to hook me up with a redneck, but not really. I appreciate Dr. T's classes because they are about plants, but beyond that because they are always fun and the type where you get to know your classmates. He's a very passionate little Botanist and he tells us that we too need to pursue our passions in life. In his herbarium there's a poster that says "Make whatever you do today important because you're giving a day of your life for it"... also in his herbarium he has postcards of plants that his students send him when they travel the world and a poster of an eagle that says "I am smiling". Which is funny, because to most students he appears to be a hard-hearted prof... but his field kids know that he is so funny and excited about plants. Here's a shout out to the amazing teachers I've encountered over the years. I feel like I've stumbled into way beyond my share... and I am most grateful! Here's a dwarf sundew, isn't it cute? It's the little red stuff. It is a carnivorous plant located only one place in Kentucky. In Polasky county you can drive down lots of tiny roads, hobble though a meadow and come across these little delights. :)
Here's the first picture of the "leg up club". I thought I was movin' out of that group, but my foot decided differently... so I'm back on crutches again.



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