
This is about my journeys that take me to wherever I am... physically, emotionally, spiritually... just where I am... on this crazy journey. Feel free to jump on and come for the ride, visitors most welcome.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Greetings fellow earthlings :) Here's where I've been spending lots of time lately... in my corner office with a view... I guess it pays to be the supervisor (he he he). ...but really I have been uuber busy with Earth Month fun adventures. It feels like I'm a real college student lately (eek!)... but April's almost over... I don't have many programs left just: Roots & Shoots Outdoor Adventure day (today) where Herbie and I are takin' the ecovillage kids hiking, invasive plant removal next week with John Perry, a native plant hike, nature photography workshop, and a spirituality and nature retreat, SENS House potluck, and Roots & Shoots star party with telescopes and stories... then I'll be mostly done for the school year with work :) Hoorah! I'm excited to be at this point. I apologize for my lacking communication lately... in May you'll probably hear more from me.
My little heart is telling me to go home this summer, so I'm looking forward to that adventure... Jennie will be having another baby for my enjoyment... Little Ricky seems to be doing pretty well. I've applied to be a playground supervisor and at a daycare. Should be a hoot either way:) I'm also tryin' to get a weekend gig at the drive in theatre, haven't heard back from them yet though.
Only two weeks left until the half Marathon with Missy. Anyone interested is invited to Cincy for the event, would love to see folks there!
Well.... I gots to get goin' gettin' ready for those little kiddies, somebody's got to lead that hike for them today :)
As always there's been a lot to be thankful lately:
-warmth! Spring is coming back (I sure hope at least)
-field botany... it still makes me cry with joy sometimes. I am really in love with that class.
-that lovely banjo that lets me pick it all the time
-Al and his silly little perfect banjo teacher ways... that little handlebar mustache really tops off his Appalachian music skills
-the silly concerts we have to go to and laugh at
-being able to look forward to my new tattoo
-Thelma and her semi-crazy ways, but more the light in her eyes when she sings with me.... it just tickles her to death... this week we started singing "skip to my lou"
-tea, every morning, there's no reason not to enjoy it
-mason jars... they're just so all-purpose
-our delightful rainwater that we've been drinking here at the house. I like it almost as much as I like Anna water.
-our Christianity assignment about writing three principles we want to live our life by ( I can share mine if you are interested, but I would most definitely like to hear yours)
-remembering old friends
-Megan Bihn's always musical phone calls from across the country! I hope she does end up delivering hugs for me in Arcata
-running and the joy it brings me to
-a comfortable bed to sleep in
-food! enough of it to keep me happy
-specifically, the tomato sandwich I ate that reminded me of summer and fall in the sens house.
-music, david wilcox and switchfoot this morning
-my lovely little housemates who are sweet and wonderful
-good conversations that substitute for my bedtime routine on weekends



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