
This is about my journeys that take me to wherever I am... physically, emotionally, spiritually... just where I am... on this crazy journey. Feel free to jump on and come for the ride, visitors most welcome.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

SHAZAM! I am excited!

Alright folks,
   I am on quite the high... it is 3:30am and I stayed up reading a novel.  What?! You might ask... well those of you who know my reading style, might ask.  Yes, the girl who would generally prefer to read field guides front to back than novels (but I actually like field guides, a lot), just stayed up reading one.... and that's not all... this is the second novel I've devoured in the last 48 hours.  Hmmm... To be perfectly honest, neither of the books seemed like novels because they actually talked about real issues: inequality, defense spending, homelessness, hunger, campaign fraud, the environment, etc, etc... I was so refreshed to hear these being woven into a story.  Shazam... I dare you to read the books... The Gospel According to Larry  and Vote for Larry.  They conveyed a sense of hope that I have found largely missing from many activist endeavors, along with a riveting storyline of one boy's search to learn who he wants to be.  Above all these books speak of a passion to fully live life, according to whatever calling you might hear.   Josh doesn't know how to fit into a consumer culture and live a way he considers authentic... hmmm... that sounds a bit familiar.  Especially to a girl who finds herself at home unintentionally alienating her lovely family because of their different lifestyles.  Also a plus for these little books they actually came from the teen section in the library (I was working with missy in the teen section and couldn't move far to choose a book) so they are a quick read.  I am so refreshed by reading these novels.  I hope they are popular among the younger folks... they sure should be.  They have accomplished what I consider to be one of literature's (are they literature?) ultimate goals... to remind us that we are not alone.  To remind us that the human struggle is one worth jumping whole-heartedly into.  Great literature to me is a story that cuts to something I'm dealing with.  A story that rings true for reader after reader because the issues are so central to the human experience.  (What issues you might ask... these books raise questions about empowerment, bravery, idealism, and living life authenticaly, to name a few.)  Maybe that's egocentric, but don't you like a book you can relate to? The timing is great as I am also still delighted from a phone conversation of story sharing that reminded me of that same concept: none of us are alone, all bad, or all good.  Life is an adventure!  We're somewhere in the middle of all of those things... and perhaps this is worth celebrating.  One down side is that now I'm done with those books... any recommendations? 
Thankful list:
-letters and notes from friends
-Missy Suzanne who has been such a joy to spend time with
-Anna water, it really is just so darn tasty
-Things that inspire people
-the recent books I've read
-having the time to read books
-being able to read.
-crawling around the house because I'm too lazy to put my walking cast back on after I've gone to bed (I never was really good at sleeping, I don't know why I'm so quick to take off the boot at the end of the day).  I'm really thankful for this new fun way of getting around and the amusement it brings
-having legs
-being able to walk the entire day in the boot without much pain at all
-fireflies.  this just might be my last summer with them.
-friends.  period.
-sugar maple leaf green with the summer sun behind it


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