
This is about my journeys that take me to wherever I am... physically, emotionally, spiritually... just where I am... on this crazy journey. Feel free to jump on and come for the ride, visitors most welcome.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

This week's park visit was to my ol' favorite... the Arboretum. After spending an hour or so in my usual spot I went walking around... until I stumbled into the winter garden, which was much appreciated! Jasmine that I could smell before I saw it.... a winter beauty.
My very own winter garden :) Well, there's nothing specifically winter about it, but the houseplants on that side of my room look so cute these days. I always appreciate their green in the Seattle grey. Without green plants I'm not sure I'd believe that the sun was ever here, or that it would return.... but I do believe it has been and will be here, because they've captured a bit of it.
Witch Hazel at the winter garden. This plant uncurls it's little flowers when it is warm, and curls them up in the cold. I think it looked a bit like fireworks.

Grateful list:
-parks in the city
-breaks from housemates! I think I must be about to learn from folks...
-clean water to drink
-the promise of spring
-Mondays off work
-enough healthy food to fill my belly



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