
This is about my journeys that take me to wherever I am... physically, emotionally, spiritually... just where I am... on this crazy journey. Feel free to jump on and come for the ride, visitors most welcome.

Friday, February 01, 2008

A photo from a recent outdoor adventure... Lake Washington is a short 20 minute walk from my house and it's lovely to watch the moonrise over it. In the distance you can see Mercer Island. The day after this photo was taken I road my bike down to the dock and waited for the full yellow moon to tower the city... and it was amazing. (note-the waves can be seen through the openings of the beach house). Here's a sign at Franklin High school, which is just across the way. My housemates and I went to the MLK rally and march.... both were educational, and we all need to learn more about racism.

ps-one more thing I'm grateful for is at work I accidentally ordered the wrong gloves to we now have purple and blue gloves instead of just clear... and who wouldn't enjoy that?


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