
This is about my journeys that take me to wherever I am... physically, emotionally, spiritually... just where I am... on this crazy journey. Feel free to jump on and come for the ride, visitors most welcome.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Here I go...
packing... perhaps it's one of those things that needs to happen while staying up all night (even if it's not the night before you leave). I'm planning to send a few boxes of my stuff to Seattle tomorrow. My banjo is all tucked away and cozy in a mattress of tee shirts... I'm reminded of Jessa. It's too bad she's not here, she is and has always been my packing buddy. I will be honest--I did make a few indulgent decisions. I'll be greeted with two boxes of my favorite tea right off the bat... and my salt crystal lamp too. I'm hoping to tie dye tonight... cause I've got a few white things with stains, and I think my tie-dyed thermal shirt is on it's last leg (I got it three years ago at a garage sale for about 20 cents). I'm reminded of a nature and spirituality retreat activity: we went around the (small) group and explained one thing we brought and one thing we deliberately left behind. I am leaving behind my laptop (this makes me reflect on photos, e-mails, recording music, watching dvd's, and other luxurious things). I'm taking two musical instruments, two field guides, and a handful of crazy clothes that are sure to keep me bright through Seattle's dreary days. I know that I've been leaving for years, but this time feels so different because there's no telling when I'll be back around these parts... and because for years I've believed that my plan was to eventually go west... the realization of a dream is quite an interesting feeling :) This really is a whole new chapter in my life!
I have the most beautiful day with missy planned. We are going to read children's books and record them and make ourselves each a cd... then we'll send my boxes... hang out with the in a sprinkler we got on sale at Kroger's (only for a bit... no worries here!)... then go to the drive in theater and eat mama's homemade pizza roll (as I fall asleep to The Simpson's and some other movie). It is quite the ro-tic day (romantic, without the man!).
My address in Seattle (after Aug. 19) will be:

***I removed my addy, please drop me an e-mail or leave comment if ya'd like it**

... so please drop me a postcard, y'all!

....hmmmm.... sleepy reflections while packing... I'm off to start soaking my tie-dying victims... much, much love.

grateful list:
-my silly family-they took me out to dinner tonight and we we the noisiest bunch in the place
-giant crickets that hide near missy's bed
-scouting the football field at night in attempt to figure out when the water the dang thing
-callin' folks
-sleep-when you can get it
-staying up all night-when you can get away with it.... I'm looking forward to the sunrise tomorrow too... it always feels like I gain perspective in the 24 hour-marathon days, because I step outside the normal schedule, usually in solitude... and of course I get loopy from lack of sleep
-Karen Aumick, who says hello to everyone!
-Ricky and Ava
-that A-town kids will be visiting me in Seattle


At 9:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm sorry to have missed out on the packing scene as well. it's always more fun with a friend and a bottle of... (fill in the blank)!


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