
This is about my journeys that take me to wherever I am... physically, emotionally, spiritually... just where I am... on this crazy journey. Feel free to jump on and come for the ride, visitors most welcome.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Hey folks,
I don't know how everyone else is feelin' but my little heart is anxiously awaiting spring. Today I had a most beautiful run on a bloody big toe. I stubbed my toe somethin' fierce yesterday and shouldn't be running, but it was a "When Sofie Gets Angry" sort of day filled with silly little things that made me take refuge in a pair of new balances on the trails... then of course, just like Sofie, I had a view from the top of the hill I had run to and a moment of great peace in which I gained the courage to go back into the world. Don't know the book? check it out... it's most lovely. Oh yeah, I guess I have a copy of it if you want to borrow it.

I should be doing homework, but I wanted to shoot out a quick note to the blog and with it send love to anyone reading it. ...and avoid my Christianity reading for a few more minutes. There should be some pictures coming soon, not that my camera is back in my life, but I get to do some digital photography in class soon.

Thankful list:
-that I can see the moon from my window at the library
-the sunset that was airbrushed looking and is now creating a lovely backdrop for the sillhuetted trees
-Dar Williams music
-the banjo in my life!
-Al White for teaching me how to make music on it (well, kinda)
-how good singing makes me feel
-clean water to drink
-the ability to run
-lungs that work again!
-trees that can calm my heart
-the opportunity to learn at Berea
-Irene for taking the brunt of my bad mood today
-Ellen for bein' the superstar she is
-spring, for promising to come soon
-all of the adventures I have been blessed to have
-photos that come through the mail
-afternoon naps in my sunny bed at the SENS house
-thank you notes
-baked tofu, yum!

ps-I've been having tons of fun coming up with plant jokes in field botany... here's the best recent one:
Why didn't the shining clubmoss take a seat after her speech?
Because she liked-a-podium!!!!!
(hint- shining clubmoss is Lycopodium lucidulum)


At 12:47 AM, Blogger Sven said...

and you said that i made bad jokes!!

Hey Megan!!! how r u???? i'm going to find some time to email you soon... and tell you all about this new megan who we have on res now lol.... so weird, poor lass must be so sick of us all talking about you, but we just have to.

keep safe.


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