on my way...
Today I concluded my semester with the somewhat ritualistic task of staying up all night working on an assignment. It's an interesting exercise in watching how quickly time flies... and that's usually what gets me to that place to being with. (Mom, I hold you partially responsible... you did just tell me the other day that it's not assignments that make memories...) Every time something ends and time starts speeding quicker than before I cling to those moments of reality... those full-full moments... and somehow it's as if they slow down just enough to let me grab on their shirt-tails and go for a wild ride... I hung up laundry today as the sun rose... the silence seemed familiar for one of those days before you leave a place.
Tomorrow I hop on a train and start my little Ecovillage crawl... I'm excited for new adventures as always... and Ecovillages... how wonderful they are! but today I'm listening to Switchfoot (you'd think they're my favorite band right now or something)... but, hey-lyrics like "when I woke with the sunrise, I want more than just a good time, more than just fine"... "I'm singing, spirit take me up in arms with you"... "you're raising the dead in me"...
Excuse the disconected nature of this little blurb... (that's what lack of sleep will do to you)... I'm savoring these last moments with everyone here... most of my house has been crashing out in the living room having a big ol' slumber party every night for nearly a week now... I appreciate that, and our random tickling fights and slow motion fighting... whenever you get ready to leave a place it always sparkles like crazy....
but the truth of it is
(and let's not even pretend that I came up with this one on my own)
-that we are leaving-
"every moment that we borrow brings us closer to tomorrow"
I hope you're feelin' this alive, wherever you are....
much love :)
ps-thankful list-
-the smell of clean laundry
-music in the morning
-hanging out laundry-even with cold hands on this "winter" morning
-days that are so big they require theme songs
-that crazy high you get from the combination of morning sun and sleeplessness
-jumping on the beds, in the living room
-books... the stack I'm about to pack to bring with me on my next adventure
-those big lessons in life that never change, but rather just change form
>.< commented on the wrong one...
Travel safely.
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