
This is about my journeys that take me to wherever I am... physically, emotionally, spiritually... just where I am... on this crazy journey. Feel free to jump on and come for the ride, visitors most welcome.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

a short little snip-it

Just saw this link on NPR, it is a This I Believe story "Our Vulnerability Is Our Strength" by a man who is as assistant for adults with developmental disabilities... it sure rings a bell...
the grateful list:
-musical potlucks!  I think our living room had the best day of its life yesterday!  There were three banjos, an accordion!, one mandolin, a flute, two guitars, on fiddle, a kazoo, lots of voices, and one pair of dancin' was dreamy (pictures to come soon-ish if I can talk Sarah into sharing hers)
-baked oatmeal with mangoes, figs, and nectarines and nectarine cobbler for breakfast
-visitors!  Rosemary, Eli, Bub and Linda
-sleep, all three hours of it
-my sleeping bag
-clean water
-Thelma, my friend from Berea who I hope to play music for again
-plants... even when it's cloudy for a long while they remind me there was (and will be again) sunshine