
This is about my journeys that take me to wherever I am... physically, emotionally, spiritually... just where I am... on this crazy journey. Feel free to jump on and come for the ride, visitors most welcome.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Arcata is a wonderful place... this I have always known... I've been enjoying catching up with everyone. The most exciting thing today was going to class with Krystal. It's a new feeling to be in the classroom setting entirely voluntarily. Granted, Berea is wonderful and I have really loved most of my classes there... but there's a whole new level of sheer interest in learning when I am totally detached from grades.

Had an amazing week... Mud puddling, story collecting, excessive smiling to point of getting tired cheeks, reading good books, visiting the ocean, hugging friends, laughing, playing a card game called "hand and foot", singing to waterfalls, seeing the giant redwoods, running at the marsh, riding my bike in shorts in January, seeing little buds on trees and flowers everywhere... lots of good stuff.

Went to the UU this Sunday. It was good to be there. The grass was full with millions of diamond dew drops clinging to each blade sparkling in the morning sun. The service was about change and the fact that it is the only thing constant. An older woman shared her credo, concluding that she believes a smile can start a ripple of smiles that leads to an ocean of smiles that are the only thing helping us keep sanity. I always appreciate others telling their story, especially the story of their heart's journey. Although I did enjoy the service, perhaps the most profound words (to me at least) were spoken when all was said and done. As I helped fold up chairs I mentioned (as I often chatter with small talk at times like these) that maybe it just doesn't do me good to struggle with two chairs if I hold them with the cushions facing out (because they start to unfold in that position, these are unique chairs). The woman next to me answered "Maybe not, they each need to stand on their own feet or they'll all fall over." Now, at this point I must further explain these chairs... they really do stand alone folded, unlike most folding chairs... and the woman was right that they shouldn't lean on each other because they will all fall down. Taking that quote out of context is so true as well... while we can help each other, we each need our own two feet. I left the UU riding a bike, but soon realized I needed to walk... Sundays are for taking long walks in the sun and stopping every few feet to take pictures of flowers or sparkly grass. As I walked back to CCAT, I passed the coffee shop I spent some time at early on in my first California visit. I decided to go in on the off chance that Gary, an eclectic sort of character, might be inside. Indeed he was and he recognized me immediately, even with the haircut. (Just in case you may have forgotten, Gary is the gentlemen who gave me a ten dollar bill loan to buy coffee and told me that it was just a game piece-and the object of the game was to empower one another.) So I sat and Gary and I talked about where our lives were at the moment... he said he's working to do that which promotes a global kindness and empowers all... how interesting I thought, after the chair quote earlier... interesting as well that I'm feeling mighty empowered by all of the kindness, joy, and independence in my life right now.


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